Making sure our Plan works well

A 'Plan' document with a tick next to it.

We want to make sure:

  • our Plan works well
  • we reach the goals in our Plan.
A person having a conversation with a group of people in an office.

To keep track of how well our Plan is going, we will work with different people and organisations.

A local government building and a group of people from the community.

This includes the:

  • government
  • community.
A calendar that reads '3 months'.

We will check how well our Plan is going every 3 months.

A 'Goals' document with a tick next to it.

We will share the goals we reached in the Tweed Shire Council Annual Report.

This report explains what we did in the last year.

A group of experts in a meeting in an office.

We will also work with experts so our staff understand what they must do to follow the Plan.

A large and diverse group of people in the community having a meeting.

We will work with:

  • our Community Development Officer for Inclusion
  • the Tweed Equal Access Advisory Committee.