4. Our services and way of doing things

What is our goal?

2 Council staff members behind a desk.

We want everyone in our community to be able to find and use Council services.

This includes people who:

  • work with us
  • visit the Tweed.
A calendar with a ball and music note on it, a worker with a hard hat, and a speech bubble with a tick and cross in it.

We want everyone to be able to find and use information about:

  • events
  • programs
  • decisions that might affect their lives.
A group of people from the community with their hands raised. They have a speech bubble with 3 dots in it.

We also want everyone in the community to be able to share their experiences with us.

What will we do?

An information icon and a person supporting someone else.

We will provide different ways for people to find:

  • information
  • support.
A computer with the Tweed Shire Council website on the screen.

We will continue to make our website more accessible.

A computer with 2 cogs on the screen, and a thumbs up above it.

We will make sure our computer system works well when people want to:

  • get in contact with us
  • tell us about parts of the community that aren’t accessible.
A person holding a training session for staff.

We will teach our staff about:

  • accessible services
  • working with people with disability.
A calendar with a ball and music note on it, and an inclusive icon above it.

We will run events that are inclusive.

And we will support other people to run inclusive events.

A person explaining information in a folder to someone else.

We will work to make sure our services and programs are inclusive for everyone.